Focussed on the most important practical challenges faced by industry.

Latest Articles

Natural Gas for Power Generation

Natural Gas for Power Generation

By Corne Thirion and Jurie Steyn Introduction The world needs an abundant supply of clean and affordable energy to support economic and social progress and build a better quality of life, particularly in developing countries. Until recently, this desire for energy has...

Outlets and Applications for Natural Gas

Outlets and Applications for Natural Gas

By Jurie Steyn  Introduction South Africa’s energy sector has been in a state of insecurity for many years, and this will probably continue into the foreseeable future. Carbon emissions are high due to an over-reliance on coal as feedstock. This sets the scene for a...

Learning from All Projects

Learning from All Projects

Any organisation should strive for continual improvement in the way they execute projects. A good way to do this is to ensure that mistakes of the past are not repeated.

Outlets and Applications for Natural Gas

Comparison of inland NG,LNG and imported LNG

By Anton Putter, Freek van Heerden and Herman van Heerden. Introduction The question often arises on the best way to start a natural gas (NG) industry or grow the NG industry in a country.  South Africa is a good case in point where the NG industry has stagnated over...

Overview of LNG Technologies

Overview of LNG Technologies

By Christine Render (OTC) and Bill Howe (Gasconsult). This article explores the most commonly used technologies for the different LNG plant capacity ranges.Introduction Natural gas (NG) has become an increasingly important energy resource and is an important feedstock...

Beneficial Utilisation of Carbon Dioxide

Beneficial Utilisation of Carbon Dioxide

In this article, we take a brief look at the thermodynamics of CO2 and present an overview of some of the more interesting and promising applications for CO2, based on public domain information. Introduction Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the major cause of climate change,...

Other Articles

Project Portfolio Management and Optimisation

In this article, the primary focus is on the management and optimisation of the project portfolios to ensure that business needs are adequately addressed, and value is maximised. Introduction Organisations invest in programmes and projects to ensure sustainable growth...

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Health Considerations for a New Project

This article attempts to introduce a perspective that, hopefully, clarifies the involvement, role and responsibilities of occupational health practitioners in projects and uncertainty about the scope of such involvement. Introduction There is often uncertainty about...

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Value Chain Optimisation

The methodology followed during Value Chain Optimisation (VCO) is a rigorous and pro-active approach, across the full project value chain, during each development and design stage of a project. It ensures that only the required functionalities are incorporated into...

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Planning for a Safe Project

Safety on megaprojects does not come easily, or cheaply.  It requires intensive preparation, dedicated focus from all parties involved, a willingness to learn and a good portion of luck. Introduction Safety on megaprojects does not come easily, or cheaply.  It...

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Introduction to Product Logistics

In a general business sense, product logistics can be described as the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the product requirements of customers. Introduction In a general business sense, product...

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An Introduction to Project Logistics Management

Most people in the project and business environment are familiar with the terms ‘logistics management’ and ‘supply chain management’, until they’re asked to explain the difference. In this article, we discuss these terms and then focus on the unique aspects of...

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Site Selection for Process Plants

In this article, we’ll discuss the site selection process, we’ll see how facility objectives influence site selection, we’ll spend time on site selection criteria and discuss the site selection decision matrix. Introduction Selecting a site for a process plant is far...

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Technology Selection

This paper explores the factors to be considered in selecting competitive technology from a number of available technologies.  It also touches on the use of new, unproven, technologies and in-house technology development. Introduction One of the basic accountabilities...

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