Alternative Modes of Natural Gas Transport

Alternative Modes of Natural Gas Transport

Alternative Modes of Natural Gas Transport In this article we explore how energy from natural gas can be transported in other forms rather than directly as gas or liquefied gas.  Some of these methods are more speculative than others and research and development is at...
Thoughts on Marketing a Small Consulting Firm

Thoughts on Marketing a Small Consulting Firm

Thoughts on Marketing a Small Consulting Firm Marketing is everything that you and your company do to find and keep clients. Most small consulting engineering firms do not have marketing departments or even dedicated marketers. Marketing responsibilities are carried...
Planning for Medical Emergencies during Project Implementation

Planning for Medical Emergencies during Project Implementation

Planning for Medical Emergencies during Project Implementation In this article, I focus on planning for medical emergencies during project execution in remote areas. Emergency situations include construction incidents, transport incidents, fires and releases of...
Effective Process Safety Management

Effective Process Safety Management

Effective Process Safety Management “Keep it in the pipe!” This paper addresses the elements of a process safety framework through the stages of a project from concept design, to detailed design, to operations; and translates these into elements of a...
Health Considerations for a New Project

Health Considerations for a New Project

Health Considerations for a New Project This article attempts to introduce a perspective that, hopefully, clarifies the involvement, role and responsibilities of occupational health practitioners in projects and uncertainty about the scope of such involvement....
Value Chain Optimisation

Value Chain Optimisation

Value Chain Optimisation The methodology followed during Value Chain Optimisation (VCO) is a rigorous and pro-active approach, across the full project value chain, during each development and design stage of a project. It ensures that only the required functionalities...