Christine Render

Consulting Partner

Dr Christine Render is a Chemical Engineer with 40 years of experience on large and mega projects in a technical and management capacity, including leading the commercialisation of several “first of a kind” technologies. 

About Christine

Christine’s areas of expertise are front-end concept engineering, process design and multi-disciplinary engineering management. Christine was involved in the front-end development and design of many of Sasol’s plants, and she started up and led Sasol’s Concept Development function for more than ten years, accountable for pre-feasibility and feasibility studies on Sasol’s capital projects. Subsequently she was appointed as Executive Manager Engineering for Sasol’s capital projects. 

Christine has served as an Executive Director on the boards of Sasol Technology and Sasol Solvents, and is currently non-Executive Director on the board of CSIR. She is a Chartered Engineer (Europe) and serves on the Executive Committee (as a Fellow) of the South African Academy of Engineering. 

Christine focuses on front-end conceptual process design of projects, particularly desktop, prefeasibility and techno-economic studies; as well as identification and selection of process technologies suitable for a particular project (and liaison with the technology licensors).

      Christine’s areas of expertise include:

  • Strong technical/engineering skills, conceptual thinker
  • Commercialisation of “first of a kind” technologies
  • Project Concept Development (desktop and pre-feasibility studies) and Process Design
  • Technologies and flowsheets in the energy and petrochemicals sectors (particularly GTL and CTL)
  • Project framing and scope development
  • Multi-discipline design management



Overview of LNG Technologies

Overview of LNG Technologies

By Christine Render (OTC) and Bill Howe (Gasconsult). This article explores the most commonly used technologies for the different LNG plant capacity ranges.Introduction Natural gas (NG) has become an increasingly important energy resource and is an important feedstock...

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Hydrogen as Energy Carrier

Hydrogen as Energy Carrier

In this article, we share some thoughts about a potential future hydrogen economy, discuss the different production routes for hydrogen, consider logistic implications of hydrogen storage and distribution, and describe some of the applications of hydrogen, and particularly transport applications.

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Effective Process Safety Management

Effective Process Safety Management

"Keep it in the pipe!" This paper addresses the elements of a process safety framework through the stages of a project from concept design, to detailed design, to operations; and translates these into elements of a process safety management programme. Introduction...

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Technology Selection

Technology Selection

This paper explores the factors to be considered in selecting competitive technology from a number of available technologies.  It also touches on the use of new, unproven, technologies and in-house technology development. Introduction One of the basic accountabilities...

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Contact Christine

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